Paolo Giordano across the board, from Ukraine to classical high school and his nostalgia

Paolo Giordano across the board, from Ukraine to classical high school and his nostalgia


He struggles to be nice, but no one talks bad about him. He’s human too. Promiscuity in “Tasmania” which is “all fiction”, the best No vaxes of those who “make sophisms about war”. Chat with the writer, under the sun

Paolo Giordano is a serious, very serious writer. He writes books for Einaudi, which are enormously successful but aren’t shamefully commercial, he goes on television and doesn’t play the fool, he writes authoritative reports in the main Italian newspaper. He has a white t-shirt and has just turned forty but he looks like a child, a very nice and serious child, like Calvin & Hobbes, who speaks in a low voice choosing his words carefully. He has a big wedding ring on his finger and an elegant, adult watch, which clashes with him being a kid.

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