Other than Rosa Chemical, the “Alfabeto Poli” is back

Other than Rosa Chemical, the “Alfabeto Poli” is back


Poli’s autobiography published by Einaudi ten years ago is the portrait of a forgotten world, suspended between the theater and the café chantant. His secret? The naturalness, the same with which he lived sex

Vanished together with the ephemeral Sanremo provocations and fregolistic excesses brought by the self-styled brigades of gender ideology and polygamous love, we are talking again in these days of Paolo Poli, someone who with much more grace has circled around fluidity, making his own effeminacy a very special figure. Exactly ten years after its first publication (and seven after the actor’s death) Einaudi is reprinting the Poli alphabet (176 pp., 14.50 euros), not just an involuntary autobiography, edited by the curator Luca Scarlini by assembling excerpts from interviews scattered among radio, TV and print media in over half a century of career, but also the portrait of a forgotten world, suspended between the theater and the café chantant.

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