One of the Giants of Mont’e Prama on display at the Metropolitan in New York

One of the Giants of Mont'e Prama on display at the Metropolitan in New York


The Boxer will go on display in New York. A highly respected ambassador for the Giants of Mont’e Prama and an exceptional opportunity to make the archaeological site of the necropolis at the foot of the homonymous hill of the Sinis di Cabras known across the Atlantic and the exceptional discoveries it reserves.

Metropolitan Museum of New York

The Metropolitan Museum of New York will host “Manneddu”, one of the huge sculptures in an exhibition that will be held from May 25 to December 6, 2023 in the section dedicated to Greek and Roman art.

The giant – the largest of the group of 28 statues in the round and fragmentary in calcarenite, and dated (still debated) between 900 and 750 BC – arrived in New York thanks to a loan from the Sardinian foundation Mont’e Prama, in collaboration with the Sardinia region and the MiBACT. The statue, bare-chested and wearing a skirt, has its left arm raised, probably to hold a shield, while the other missing arm must have been gloved and perhaps nailed, and was used as a weapon. The discovery of the Giants dates back to the end of March 1974, when by chance two farmers intent on plowing a field found a large head. It was only the first of over five thousand fragments that over the decades will be found by archaeologists engaged in the long work of excavations.

The Giants of Mont’e Prama depicting archers, warriors and boxers are now exhibited at the National Archaeological Museum of Cagliari and 6 at the Civic Museum of Cabras.

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