On a sailing boat to defeat breast cancer

On a sailing boat to defeat breast cancer


Those who sail at sea know this well: it is important to find the right course, maintain it and be able to resume it if the waters suddenly become agitated and it becomes difficult to steer the boat. Living the sea, from a certain point of view, is not an experience so much different from that of the oncological disease. That sense of disorientation and lack of confidence in one’s own abilities which inevitably assails at the moment of diagnosis, and often also during therapy, can almost make us feel like boats on the waves which no longer know which direction to take and which, despite the strong against the wind, they have to resume their course.

An experience that, just like the sport of sailing, puts you to the test, because you are confronted with conditions that are not always ideal, but which also make you aware of how it is possible to manage them with the right tools.

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This is why Iris Roma per le Donne per la Vita Onlus, an association that promotes women’s health and her rights, with the patronage of the Order of Psychologists of Lazio, has created “Nel Mare, il Vento”: a psychology and sailing project , didactic, human and training on the empowerment of patients. We start today in the Port of Tropea and sail until June 18, within the Cyclops Route 2023 sailing event. This Calabrian stage could be the first of a long traveling journey along the Italian coasts.

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The metaphor of the sailboat

The initiative, strongly desired by Olga Naso, founder of the recently deceased association, offers women who are experiencing or have experienced cancer an opportunity for discussion and sharing to acquire useful tools for coping psychologically difficulties. All in a particular and unusual environment, that of a sailboat, in the company of the psycho-oncologist Stefania Carnevale and the sailor Anna Sargenti.

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“Navigation and sailing activities represent a powerful means through which to give voice to personal experiences – tells Salute Seno Carnevale, who oversaw the project together with his colleague Barbara Costantini – Resuming sailing by establishing a ‘route’ can be in fact an opportunity to recover the personal planning interrupted during the treatments.Going on a sailing boat – continues the expert – is certainly a complex experience for all its rules and for its technicalities, but it is able to bring us back to that space in which each of our actions corresponds to a result that depends on our ability and our judgment. It also helps us to deal with our abilities, our resources, our self-efficacy, favoring, in a rehabilitative sense, the perception of taking back the helm of our lives. In this sense it is obviously not the sailboat that cures but it is those mental processes that are activated precisely through the concrete and symbolic experience of the sailboat”.

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The logbook

Each participant will also have their own logbook in which to jot down thoughts and reflections on their experience. “The testimonies that we will collect – says Carnevale – will in turn become testimonies for other patients: a sort of beacon in the midst of the storm that can help orient between the different moods experienced during the illness. In addition, before and after experience, we will administer small tests to the participants to evaluate the changes that a rehabilitative activity of this type can generate, especially as regards resilience, the theme of self-efficacy and empowerment”.

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“To Know, To Understand”

The initiative also includes the meeting “Per Sapere, per Capire” on Sunday 18 June at La Maison in the Port of Tropea. “It is an opportunity to make known the most recent therapies and prevention strategies available to treat female cancers in an area where services are not so present – concludes the psycho-oncologist – The latter reason which explains why a places like Tropea to start the project”. For information on the project, write [email protected]. For registrations for the Cyclops route 2023, visit the website www.circolovelicosantavenere.it.


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