Not just “The Tempest”. Shakespeare’s sea in turmoil, like today’s Mediterranean

Not just "The Tempest".  Shakespeare's sea in turmoil, like today's Mediterranean


The rare commodity of compassion, in 1600 as in 2023. And then the fear, of those who have arrived in a land they do not know and do not know how they will be welcomed. The playwright’s theater very often tells of shipwrecks, which recall the sea routes of our days

First of all compassion, suffering for those who suffer. “Oh! At the sight of those poor people suffering, I suffered too! […] Torn to pieces [uno scafo] which certainly had creatures in its bosom. Those cries were as many blows to the heart! Poor souls, they perished”. Thus the compassionate Miranda, at the beginning of The storm (Act I, scene 2, lines 5-9). He witnessed the shipwreck from land. He heard the desperate cries of the sailors. “Pity us! We are falling apart. Goodbye wife, goodbye children, goodbye brother! It falls apart, it falls apart, it falls apart!” (I, 1, 57-58).

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