Not just drama. In Shrinking, psychotherapy is also lightness

Not just drama.  In Shrinking, psychotherapy is also lightness


“Leave him or I won’t be your therapist anymore.” Jason Segel is the psychotherapist Jimmy Laird who decides to implement a new method to mourn: from now on, he will say everything he thinks about patients, without filters. Cries and laughter guaranteed

Formally a comedy, essentially a dramedy. In fact, we are always poised between the highlights and the most dramatic and moving moments in the world Shrinking, a series available from January 27 on Apple TV+ (a new episode every Friday) which focuses on the events of psychotherapist Jimmy Laird grappling with the personal elaboration of mourning for the premature death of his wife in a car accident. Jimmy, worn out by a job made up of pre-packaged answers that often fail to really affect the lives of his patients, decides – more or less premeditated – to implement a new method: tell them everything you really think about individual situations.

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