No more photos with legs apart, the Swiss Federginnastica against the sexualization of photos of athletes

No more photos with legs apart, the Swiss Federginnastica against the sexualization of photos of athletes


No photos of girls or women exercising should risk being sexualized. The Swiss Federginnastica has voted stringent rules that will fall on photographers and images of athletes with legs apart. For those who do not comply with the code, the penalty is the withdrawal of the accreditation and exclusion from the competitions. The ban sanctioned by the FST has a clear purpose: to protect girls from the dissemination of images defined as “ethically sensitive” even net of automatic and action shots that are part of sport. And then raise media professionals’ awareness so that common sense and respect for the person’s body prevail, inviting them to film subjects from appropriate angles.

“We wanted to give a very strong signal that we no longer want images of a certain type – the explanation of Naomi Kempter, who works in the ethics department -. The time had finally come to put everything in black and white”. A measure that follows the “no to leotards, yes to tracksuits” against the sexualization of gymnastics that the Germans made precisely on the occasion of the Tokyo 2021 Olympics. And if for many For years it was assumed that girls performed their exercises wearing skin-tight, high-heeled clothing now that’s not the case anymore.Now, not even for photographs.


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