Milan-Inter, the semi-final of the Champions League will be broadcast free-to-air on TV

Milan-Inter, the semi-final of the Champions League will be broadcast free-to-air on TV


The semi-final of the Champions League on 10 May between Milan and Inter will be broadcast in the clear. Agcom says so in a note, in which it explains that «on the basis of article 33 of the Consolidated Law on audiovisual media services, the Communications Authority has adopted, with resolution no. 131/12/CONS (Event List Resolution), a list of events, national and otherwise, considered of particular importance for the company, of which the media service providers ensure broadcasting on free-to-air, live or deferred schedules, in whole or in part. The Events List Resolution includes, among the events whose unencrypted transmission is ensured, also the final and semi-finals of the Champions League and the Europa League if Italian teams are involved».


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