Metastatic breast cancer, increasingly chronic

Metastatic breast cancer, increasingly chronic


Getting to use the term “meta-stable” instead of “metastatic”: a goal, that of the IncontraDonna Foundation, which implies the possibility of making breast cancer chronic. For women living with this disease, to which 13 October is dedicated, Incontradonna has organized an event today in Rome. The Piazza Del Campidoglio will light up in pink and will be the setting for a parade that will involve patients and citizens, to say that today with metastatic cancer you can live and that metastatic women must be listened to.


The initiative is part of the “I am a woman with #metastable carcinoma” campaign for breast cancer awareness, and is implemented with non-conditioning contributions from Seagen and Pfizer. “There are many women in Italy who live with this form of cancer – comments Adriana Bonifacino, President of the IncontraDonna Foundation -. This is a fact that, while worrying on the one hand, on the other highlights the great progress made by research in the treatment of this disease. With the #metastabile communication campaign, which started in May last year, we wanted to increase the knowledge of this oncological reality in a simple way. The most recent scientific studies have shown that median survival is progressively and constantly increasing in all subtypes of breast cancer. This is why it is important to be able to ‘clean up’ the term metastatic from the negative meaning to which it is linked: today the disease can be chronic, and it is possible to live with it. For this to apply to everyone, throughout Italy, however, it is essential that specific diagnostic-therapeutic assistance paths (PDTA) be adopted dedicated to women with metastatic breast cancer “

“A voice for all”: the campaign on metastatic breast cancer is underway

by Tiziana Moriconi

The Doctor-Patient Communication Survey

On the occasion of this day, Incontradonna also presents the results of a survey entitled “Metastatic breast cancer: how and how much we communicate”, promoted in collaboration with AIOM (Italian Association of Medical Oncology), AIOM Foundation and SIPO (Italian Society of Psychoncology ). The survey brings to light the difficulties in doctor-patient communication and organizational problems that are encountered most frequently. “Over the past 30 years we have seen a constant decrease in mortality from metastatic cancer thanks also to the personalization of treatments,” says Paolo Marchetti, Professor of Oncology at the Sapienza University of Rome, DMCM and President of the Foundation for Personalized Medicine. Breast cancer is by far the most frequent malignancy among women residing in our country and we expect an increase in the coming years. This is why efforts must be concentrated on promoting a new culture of disease. Confusion about the meaning of the terms ‘tumor’ and ‘metastatic’ often risks generating rejection reactions in the woman at the time of diagnosis. It is therefore here that the right terminology must be used, with adequate expressions such as living with the disease ”. The event will take place both in presence (at the Protomoteca Hall of the Campidoglio) and in streaming, starting at 3 pm, on the facebook channel of the Incontradonna Foundation.

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A parade in the Capitol

Correct medical information and prevention are the first form of treatment and for this reason Roma Capitale did not want to lack its support. “We have made available Piazza del Campidoglio, which is the home of all Romans – says Alessandro Onorato, Councilor for Major Events, Sport, Tourism and Fashion of Rome Capital – and which for the occasion will be lit up in pink for the evocative fashion show which will see patients and citizens together as protagonists. To help spread a positive message of hope and trust ”. “Being here today with these wonderful women who wear in my creations is the demonstration that it is possible to live a quality life even with a diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer – adds Maria Celli, designer and author of the show – The enthusiasm of the patients and of all the people of IncontraDonna it is contagious and has allowed us to create something incredible, strong and meaningful, a fashion picture with a profound message ”.

Breast cancer, 256 Breast Units and lots of information just a click away

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