Message in the bottle: how to take up the challenge of the circular economy

Message in the bottle: how to take up the challenge of the circular economy


How to build a more sustainable future? This topic will be discussed on today at 11during the talk streamed on The Republic, The print, Huffington Post And Green&Blue. An appointment entitled “Message in the bottle: how to take up the challenge ofcircular economy after theinauguration of an innovative Coca-Cola HBC Italia plant in Gaglianico, in the province of Biella, intended for the processing of recycled PET to transform it into new bottles.

Message in the bottle: how to take up the challenge of the circular economy

Many guests attended this meeting moderated by the deputy director of HuffPost Italy, Alessandro DeAngelis. There will be among others Manuel BiellaDirector of the Supply Chain of Coca-Cola Hbc Italia who will talk about the transition to thecircular economy and challenges from a technical-industrial point of view e Marco Beggiora, Head of Sustainability for The Coca-Cola Company at European level, who will talk about the group’s global vision of “A World Without Waste” which has led Coca-Cola to use increasingly sustainable materials for packaging and bottles. LCouncilor for Labor of the Piedmont Region Elena Chiorino instead, he will talk about the role of political institutions in facilitating the ecological transition of companies.

Finally, the world of the world will also take the flooruniversity and ofassociationism. Francis Quatrarofull professor ofUniversity of Turin will focus onimportance ofinnovation on the way tocircular economy elimpact of industrial investments on territories. Beatrice Del Balzonational councilor of Marevivo Onlus, who has been fighting for the protection of the sea for decades, will speak of theimportance of raising awareness among citizens and the business world so that they adopt correct behavior in terms of sustainability. Massimo Bergagliopresident of Unionplast, lassociation that represents companies that transform plastic, will remember the path taken by theindustry to address environmental challenges.


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