members of the Board of guarantee but will not judge the

members of the Board of guarantee but will not judge the


Of Sports editorial team

New social storm after the one on the prosecutor Ciro Santoriello. Cesaro, a member of the guarantee college, had made a post against the Agnellis in 2021: “They are spoiled children”. Like Pier Giorgio Maffezzoli, an Inter fan, who also insulted Juve on Facebook. But the Coni body will decide in joint sections and they won’t be there

The video from four years ago by the prosecutor Ciro Santoriello (member of the pool of magistrates in charge of the Prisma investigation) in which the judge, born in Latina but with Neapolitan origins, declares himself a Napoli fan, goes around social networks and raises controversy. However, he also has the effect of dusting off social media profiles or more or less dated statements by two Neapolitan lawyers, the labor lawyer Marcello de Luca Tamajo and the administrator Vincenzo Maria Cesaro, both members of the first section of the Coni Guarantee Board which will have the last word on the Juventus capital gains affair and on the 15 penalty points inflicted on the club by the federal Court of Appeal. But they won’t decide. Since this is a delicate case, we will proceed in joint sections. With the appointment of five section presidents. Much ado about nothing.

The administrator

Cesaro, as a common professional, had indulged in personal considerations on the Agnelli family. A post of his on Twitter from 2021 was dusted off in which the lawyer wrote about the Superlega as follows: «Superlega another squalid page in the history of the Agnelli», «To cope with their entrepreneurial incapacity the State has assisted them for decades with shock absorbers social and non-repayable loans”. The gloss of a very long post was: «They are spoiled children». “They are up to their necks in debt with unfortunate investments and now they want to create their own circus, to make financial interests prevail over sporting merits”. Then vicious comments also for Cristiano Ronaldo and for the club for signing him (60 million spent on that fucking kid Ronaldo who didn’t allow him to win the Champions League obsession). Sports bar considerations, which leave the time they find. The point is that for six months the lawyer in question has been a member of the Coni Guarantee Board. A controversy of significant proportions has ignited on social networks. Will it be an expression of impartial guarantee? That’s more or less the question. He, reached on the phone, gets away with irony: “It’s a ridiculous controversy – he says – I find it absurd. A post made years ago that means nothing. Then, I won’t be the one to decide.” And he tells the truth, given that it will proceed in joint sections.

The labor law ex manager of Naples friend of Allegri

On the other member of the Board, the labor lawyer Marcello de Luca Tamajo, the controversy practically died out in the bud. Seven years ago he declared that as a Neapolitan he was also a close friend of Allegri. His past personal history places him as manager of Ferlaino’s Napoli (but we are in the mid-nineties).

Inter lawyer

Another member targeted by social media is Pier Giorgio Maffezzoli, member of the first section, who also on Facebook eight years ago, making his faith in Inter understood, published a post with insults towards Juventus. But even Maffezzoli will not be among the five judges who will deal with the Juventus case at the Guarantee College.

February 7, 2023 (change February 7, 2023 | 20:27)


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