Maurizio Molinari: “Change our choices to save the planet”

Maurizio Molinari: "Change our choices to save the planet"


Earth Day coincides this year with a drought season that affects the entire enlarged Mediterranean basin, adding up a multiplicity of unusual climatic phenomena, destined to have consequences that are difficult to predict, from the rhythms of agriculture to life in cities. Little snow in the Alps and the Pyrenees means less water in the rivers, irrigation problems for the land in the great plains and disruption of the sowing and harvesting calendars on which the livelihoods and food of millions of families depend.

Just as torrid temperatures along the coasts, on the mountains and on the plateaus force the fauna to flee their traditional environments, looking for food in the urban aggregates, invading the space that human beings believed by now to be theirs alone. And then there are the violent water bombs that attack infrastructures of all kinds from the sky, the rise in sea levels that devour coasts and beaches, the increase in sea temperature that brings unusual fauna into our waters, putting instead those populations of fish accustomed to swimming in cold waters are in difficulty. It is the Earth around us, in our daily habitat, which changes moment by moment, attacking our most deeply rooted certainties and forcing us to think about what we can do to defend and protect the climate as we received it from our grandparents and parents.

The appointments

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The answer that comes from this Earth Day is “Investing in the Planet” or choosing, each in their own way, on the basis of their own values ​​and traditions, how to support a vast range of campaigns and initiatives for the defense of the environment which are maintained only thanks to a multitude of voluntary choices. From the defense of forests to the onslaught of speculation, from the dams against the mines that sprout up in the last paradises of the planet to the use of non-polluting substances, from the choice of electric motors to the desire to recycle as much as possible, up to the decision to limit personal excesses and collectives of the exploitation of energy. Ultimately, therefore, it is our choices and our behavior that constitute the only and highest wall capable of stemming the pollution of the atmosphere, protecting the Earth and its climate. If the inhabitants of the planet will not protect the planet, no one will do it for them.

The appointments

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But if the inhabitants of the planet were to do it only thinking about themselves – about their lives, families, hopes and expectations – one might wonder what it would be for. Because the most important engine for the protection of the Earth is the will to defend a common habitat that belongs to everyone. It is there where the collective, community identity imposed itself on the selfishness of individuals. That is why the imperative “If not now, when?” which comes from a verse of the Maxims of the Fathers, contained in the homonymous treatise of the Mishna, summarizes and photographs better than any other expression the imperative of urgency and need with which we all have to measure ourselves.

Director of the newspaper la Repubblica since 2020, Maurizio Molinari was for a decade a correspondent from New York, then from Jerusalem, for La Stampa, of which he held the position of director since 2015. A writer, the title of his latest book is “Il Return of Empires: How the War in Ukraine Upended the Global Order”.


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