Los Angeles: Sharon Stone opens her first exhibition (after Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp)

Los Angeles: Sharon Stone opens her first exhibition (after Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp)


After the museum exhibition of Brad Pitt’s sculptures and the crazy market for Johnny Depp’s serigraphs, another Hollywood star has crossed the fateful doors of contemporary art, artists’ entrance: the Allouche Gallery in Los Angeles has just opened i flying an exhibit of Sharon Stone. She starred in films that entered the history of cinema also thanks to her interpretations, such as Basic Instinct by Paul Verhoeven and Casino by Martin Scorsese, Stone explained that she started painting with enthusiasm during the lockdowns due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Even if art, to tell the truth, has always occupied a particular place in her life: as a child she took painting lessons from her aunt Vonne and later also studied it at the University of Edinboro in Pennsylvania but was forced to abandon this passion as soon as his film career took off.

An iconic face of the 90s, the actress has had to overcome some difficult times. Guest of the «Table for Two» podcast, Stone recounted what happened to her after starring in «Basic Instict»: «I lost custody of my son. I still remember when the judge asked my son, my little boy: “Do you know that your mother acts in sex films?”. This kind of abuse from the system defined me as a parent just by making that movie.” After having had two benign breast tumors removed in 2001 and one from her uterus in 2022, she recently explained that she was among the financial victims of the Silicon Valley Bank crash: «I just lost half my money in this banking matter, but despite this I’m here, “he said, during the ceremony of a charity event in Beverly Hills.

Even the period of the pandemic was not easy but right now he rediscovered his passion: «I bought some brushes and I started to regain control of my movements with the tool», he explained. «I painted and painted and painted and I found myself. I have found my heart. I have found my center. Painting saved me from the abyss». At first she painted in her bedroom, then she opened a studio on her property and now she paints every day.

“Stone’s paintings range from thoughtful figures to energetic abstractions and meditative landscapes,” explain the gallery, which is based in Los Angeles and New York. “One easily immerses oneself in Stone’s world, with a feeling of nostalgia and familiar feelings that flow as one looks at his work. Her landscapes transport you to familiar yet dreamy places. In her works there is a balance between vulnerability and strength ». For years people have told her to “Stay your way,” Stone concluded, but “How do you know this isn’t my way? How do you know that painting is not my true path?».


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