L’Orèal, beauty and sustainability go hand in hand

L'Orèal, beauty and sustainability go hand in hand


Beauty and sustainable future go hand in hand. L’Oréal’s first global campaign linked to the ESG strategy starts from this assumption. “‘Creating the beauty that moves the world’ is the manifesto that guides our actions and embodies our values ​​- comments Emmanuel Goulin, president and CEO of L’Oréal Italia – today people choose our products not only for the quality but also because they identify with our values”.

In 2020 you launched L’Oréal For The Future with goals for 2030. How does it represent an evolution of the previous programme?
“In 2013, we launched the first ambitious sustainable development programme. With L’Oréal For The Future, we wanted to take a further step forward by involving all stages of our process, from conception to production and distribution. For For example, by 2030, 100% of plant-based ingredients for formulas and packaging materials will be traceable and come from sustainable sources and 100% of the plastic used in our packaging will be obtained from recycled or bio-based sources”.

Your policy takes into account both the impact on the environment and on the most vulnerable communities: how?
“The Group has allocated 100 million euros for impact investing solutions dedicated to the regeneration of ecosystems and the development of the circular economy, as well as allocating 50 million to vulnerable women. Through social projects we support disadvantaged communities. We do it for example with “Abuse is not Love” by YSL Beauty or with “Stand Up” by L’Oréal Paris”.

L’Oréal is the only company in the world to have been awarded a triple A by the Carbon Disclosure Project for the seventh consecutive year. What does this award represent?
“We are very proud of this recognition which pushes us to commit ourselves ever more and which sees the L’Oréal Group recognized among the world leaders in terms of sustainability. The triple ‘A’ refers to our commitments to tackle climate change, manage water sustainably and conserve forests. For example, we have reduced absolute CO2 emissions from our factories and distribution centers since 2005. Today, 65% of our sites are powered by 100% renewable energy, including these are our factory in Settimo Torinese.Furthermore, since 2018, the production site has been a waterloopfactory, i.e. it consumes water only as a raw material in products and not for other uses.In this way, more than 40,000 m3 of water are reused, equal to 80 swimming pools 25 meters”.

How do you involve consumers in this sustainable transformation process?
“They have a key role and it is our job to inform them and help them make sustainable purchasing choices. This is why we have launched Product Impact Labelling, a labeling system that provides information on the environmental and social impact of our products. ‘Inside our products’ is a digital platform that answers the most common consumer questions related to product ingredients, with a transparent approach”.


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