Let’s take the job away from the ultras

Let's take the job away from the ultras


I would like to change profession. Yes, because being a fan of the curve is becoming (it has been for quite a while) a job. Dealing, merchandising, counterfeiting, scalping, how hard it is to be an ultras. Waking up early (even 10 when the team plays at noon), going to the stadium, threatening someone with a strange face who happened to be there by chance, slipping into the Wall Street of crooked affairs and, between one chant and another (these chants that are always the same, obsessive, unbearable), freeing every instinct. From racist behavior, which perhaps they don’t even know what it means, to the exercise of coercive power, with the annexed strategy of blackmail. Victims, everyone. The clubs, more or less aware and weak, left alone to fight the phenomenon, and all the others who love football and who perhaps would like to bring a child, a wife, a grandchild to the curve without risking being overwhelmed by the wave of violence, even if only verbal. De Laurentiis’ battle against the Neapolitan ultras is based more or less on these principles and we hope it will lead to concrete results. Beyond certain cinematic excesses (De Laurentiis often says things that we humans…), De Laurentiis doesn’t like blackmail: if you give us what we ask for, we love you, otherwise we’ll smash everything. Excuse the synthesis, in these few lines innocent injured are also injured who perhaps experience the aggregation in a genuine way.

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