Less pillory, more “Posto al Sole”. In praise of the heroic Rai fiction against the abuses of MeToo

Less pillory, more "Posto al Sole".  In praise of the heroic Rai fiction against the abuses of MeToo


France had Catherine Deneuve, we have the writers of a historic series. In Italy, the obscenity of considering a male predator until proven otherwise is shown in prime time. The courage to denounce the media condemnation

Less pillory, more “Posto al Sole”. We have been used to living for years in a media bubble in which every accusation becomes a conviction, every suspicion becomes a sentence and every testimony becomes a truth. And we’ve been used for some years now to living in a bubble within which the madness of the media-judicial circus is amplified even more when the culture of suspicion merges in a destructive way with the drifts generated by the MeToo culture. We have been accustomed for years to living in a world where the presumption of innocence is worth less than a gargle and within that world we have resigned ourselves to dealing with a toxic amalgam made up of summary trials, systematic pillories and guilt until proven guilty.

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