League hijacked. “Veneto will not end up like Padua”, guarantees the rebel councilor Marcato

League hijacked.  "Veneto will not end up like Padua", guarantees the rebel councilor Marcato


At the provincial congress on Sunday, the dissident base only nearly hit the coup against Salvini’s brigade. The fury of the commissioner of Zaia: “The fault of 50 militants created ad hoc”. “Now I will challenge Stefani in the region. And if they won’t allow me, Matteo himself”

No turnaround. Everything has changed to remain as it was before: Padua the Venetian stronghold of the Salvinians. “But can they really sing victory?”, he presses Robert Marcato, the rebellious alderman who bent over backwards to bring fresh air to Sunday’s provincial convention. “There was a huge deficit to cover. Everyone thought we were super smart, also because the party invested every resource in Padua”. Reckless all-in. “Here is the regional commissioner Alberto Stefani, plus the provincial and city commissioners appointed by Stefani. In Padua, four members of parliament from the Carroccio were elected: the highest number of all the provinces. Also in Padua is Arianna Lazzarini, regional government manager. And Luca Pierobon, responsible for local authorities and mayor of the nearby Cittadella, the municipality that launched Massimo Bitonci. He and Andrea Ostellari”, undersecretaries for economic development and justice, “represent the only two government positions we have in Veneto. And where are they from?”. Too easy now. “Precisely. It is not a fatality, but the precise strategy in view of the provincial and regional congresses. Despite this firepower, their candidate on Padua won by 29 votes. The extraordinary thing is that a few days ago 50 new militants were created”.

If mathematics is not an opinion, let alone the anger of Marcato and his associates. “Congresses have always been the highest moment of democracy within a party,” says the Zaia’s lieutenant in economic development. “At the climax that we went back to doing them after an eternity, these non-linear dynamics happen”. He thinks for a while to find the most appropriate euphemism. “One candidate on foot, the other in Maserati. It is a fact that screams revenge: I have not seen 50 new activists attach posters, attend the gazebos, organize rallies and parties in the square. That is the essence of militancy. We”, the dissident front, which for over a year has accused the Northern League nomenklatura of despotism and abandonment of historical ideals, “we went to meet the militants house to house. And these 50 people did not exist. Then in the vote yes ”. Green magic. “Let us also add that our candidate”, Michael Giraldo, chosen in tandem with the regional councilor Fabrizio Boron, “it was announced a week ago. Yet it ended just 419 to 390 for Nicola Pettenuzzo. Who, if nothing else, is a decent person.”

The problem is upstream. The electoral analysis of Bitonci, old fox, is limited to underlining “the record turnout of militants”. While Commissioner Stefani seizes the opportunity to spin out that “debate is the salt of the movement, but no more controversy, the celebration of congresses will now have to appease spirits”. And that he will run for the most important one: the match for the region. Marcato is waiting for him at the gate. “I will challenge Stefani with all my might. The League is split in two and this was impossible to hide. There is an idiotic rule”, already explained to Il Foglio by Boron, “which prevents regional councilors and councilors from standing as candidates for congresses. Instead, MPs who have governed the party alone are allowed to do so: there is an obvious conflict of interest”. Hence the bulldog growl. listen: “Salvini said that that rule does not exist. Here, if not, I will challenge him to the federal secretariat. Who goes back on his word, which boss would it be?”.

This is why the new year will mean showdown. “After all”, the spirit of the commissioner, “I’m almost happy to have lost in Padua: so one day I too will be able to be a minister. Considering that only those who lose and squander make room for the party. It’s bad, very bad.” See the suicide in the last municipal and political elections. Marcato gets serious again. “Actually, very worried. We are in the midst of a consensus hemorrhage, on the street I meet historic Northern League members who tell me they voted for FdI. And the problem is not them, but us that we have watered down the identity of the League”. That with the premier little c’azzecca. “And with sovereignty, even less. Let’s put it this way: Melonians come from the March on Rome. We instead, from the march away from Rome. Autonomy is now a totem, the Venetians want it more than before, but I’m afraid of how it will end. From this point of view, the congresses would be the only, fundamental opportunity for an internal relaunch. But if they will be used to maintain the status quo and freeze the caresses, the armchairs, it’s over. So yes: in 2023 you win or you die”.

Marked ‘Che’. “Better bulldog, thanks. This is how I am: the more strange things I notice around me, the more I get excited and find energy to defend the old Liga. This is what also happened in that epic challenge against Flavio Tosi”, another internal feud brought home by Zaia’s commissioner. “I already have the nom de guerre. And I won it on the field. The others?”.


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