«la Lettura» is on newsstands and in the App-Corriere.it

«la Lettura» is on newsstands and in the App-Corriere.it



In insert #586, available on newsstands and digitally, the dialogue between the writer and the actress and director. The interviews with the thinker, who is 101 years old, and with the writer. Extra in the App: American writers in Paris

The writer Niccolò Ammaniti and the actress and director Valeria Golino address current issues in the conversation on the new issue of «la Lettura», #586, available on newsstands and in the App. A dialogue, edited by Paolo Conti, which takes off from the new book by Ammaniti (The intimate lifeEinaudi Stile libero) and from Golino’s experience as director of the Sky TV series The art of joyto address the topic of female and male body, model, object, and mask set. They discuss beauty, age, image and exposure on social media, where the body becomes an icon or fiction, but can also be the object of body shaming or persecution.

The «La Lettura» app for smartphones and tablets (downloadable from the App Store and Google Play) offers subscribers a preview of the new issue on Saturday, the archive with all the issues since 2011 and the Theme of the Day, a daily extra digital only. Subscribing costs 3.99 euros per month or 39.99 per year, with one week free. The subscription can also be subscribed from the desktop starting from this page. For subscribers, the contents are also visible from PCs and Macs starting from their Profile page. Furthermore, a one-year subscription to the App can be given as a gift via the web from here or by purchasing a Gift Card in Librerie.coop.

At the beginning of the issue, a focus on the evolution of the Church and of the faith by 4 priests, almost modern evangelists: Giovanni Minzoni (killed in 1923), Lorenzo Milani (born in 1923), Tonino Bello (died in 1993) and Pino Puglisi (killed in 1993); among the texts, interventions by Daniele Menozzi and Archbishop Matteo Maria Zuppi.

The number ends with the entries of various authors on the war year: among them, Edgar Morin, 101 years old, illustrates the new book to Nuccio Ordine (From war to warRaffaello Cortina) and the conflicts experienced; Antoine Volodine talks about the madness of war, and madness in general, telling Cristina Taglietti his story The Monroe girls (66thand2nd, in bookstores February 24). And in the section of the App of «la Lettura» which hosts the Themes of the Day, you can preview two poems by the American poet, but born on the Black Sea, Ilya Kaminsky (Dancing in Odessa, La nave di Teseo, in bookstores from 21 February) interviewed in the insert by Enrico Rotelli. The Theme of the Day is a digital-only daily extra offered to the readers of the App: that of Sunday 18 February is a text by Matteo Persivale on American writers who have spent time in Paris (from Fitzgerald and Hemingway in the 1920s to the group gathered around the Paris Review thirty years later). In the supplement Livia Manera Livia Manera reviews the novel by Diane Johnson (Moline, Usa, 1934), The marriagesnow translated into Italy for Atlantide by Tiziana Loporto (pp. 424, euro 20): the protagonist is Clara Holly, a former American actress who moved to Paris.

February 17, 2023 (change February 18, 2023 | 19:34)


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