Juventus without due process is also a problem for those who hate Juventus

Juventus without due process is also a problem for those who hate Juventus


We have no intention of taking the scepter of guarantee on the case away from the friends of the Republic Juventus, and we will never live up to their heroic battle in defense of the old and new Juventus management, a battle fought in such a profound way that it made the battleship of Rep. forget the old and romantic justicialist battles aimed at denouncing the obscenity of conflicts of interest. We will never live up to Repubblica, we know it, but despite this one cannot fail to share the profound indignation shown yesterday by the newspaper published by the Agnelli familythe same family that controls Juventus, when he learned, with dismay, a circumstance that at the time of the possessed magistrates against Silvio Berlusconi it was considered ancillary and which is now considered decisive for illuminating the ideological prejudices that can move some judicial investigations. You probably already know the story. Yesterday some newspapers reported the words dating back to 2019 of a named magistrate Cyrus Santoriello. Santoriello, during a public event, said: “I am a huge fan of Napoli and I hate Juventus. As a fan, Napoli is important, as a prosecutor I am obviously anti-Juventus, against thieves on the pitch, and I had to write filings”.

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