It’s the right time: gyms promote the culture of sedentary lifestyle

It's the right time: gyms promote the culture of sedentary lifestyle


Every year, 60 percent of dropouts occur in Italian gyms. And since there is no bonus or incentive in the maneuver, salvation must come from below. The anthropological leap isn’t that big, the link between the sportsman and the sedentary already exists: it’s the suit

The data speak for themselves: every year, 60 percent of dropouts occur in Italian gyms. We are the country in Europe with the highest rate of abandonment of gyms. Despite this, the government seems deaf to what appears to be a real social emergency, a national scourge, as well as a tragedy for the fitness sector. In the recently launched budget package there is no gym bonus, or incentive to join, or deduction for lactic acid. In the absence of help from politics, if the salvation of the gym sector does not come from above, it must necessarily start from the bottom. We have to change the mentality of the gyms, revolutionize their philosophy, make them open up to society, to the real country.

Is Italy sedentary? So are the gyms! Enough with these “gymized” gyms dedicated to hedonism and psychophysical stress; gyms that reek of sweat. Than the gyms rather promote the culture of sedentary lifestyle: benches are used for sitting, sunbeds for lying down – beds of at least one and a half square, where once you are lying down the maximum movement is to turn on your side to get comfortable, three sets of fifteen, practically a nap. One has already gotten off the couch to come to the gym; once there, let it rest! In these gyms there will be new generation exercise bikes, which not only do not have wheels, but also pedals. The sedentary sits on the exercise bike… and that’s it, he stays seated. This also saves on construction materials: the saddle and the handlebar are sufficient – ​​the latter for further leaning on. For sedentary body builders, those who don’t even want to do the bending necessary to sit down, there is the treadmill: you get on it and it stays still, it doesn’t move, you stay on it without any effort, you don’t have to move a muscle, just mass – your mass – up there.

Don’t think it’s not a real gym: there will be equipment – ​​cushions, blankets, throws – and the Swedish painting: a canvas by Larsson, you sit in front of it and look at it – you can also not look at it, just sit down. Personal trainers come by and tuck you in, arrange your pillows, help you take off your shoes. And if one falls asleep, no problem: you can always ask for a minute of recovery – in this case the famous “another five minutes”. Obviously in these new gyms you shower before entering, as a warm-up, a hot shower. And the results of all this training – if done with regularity and commitment – ​​will be seen within a few months: weight gain, flaccidity, loss of muscle tone, bedsores, heart attack. Enough with the typical frustration of the gym, which leads people to abandon the sport disappointed and embittered: with sedentary gyms the results will be tangible, in a short time we will see our body change from this to this-so. The anthropological leap isn’t that big, the link between the sportsman and the sedentary already exists, and it’s the suit. All that remains is to grasp the conjunction, and relaunch gyms as alternatives to the sofa – much more comfortable, wider, more relaxing. And where you can meet other sedentary people like you, and share with them your passion for making no effort.


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