Ironically: Mehran died at the same airport where he lived for 18 years.

Ironically: Mehran died at the same airport where he lived for 18 years.


Is dead the man who for 18 years had been neither here nor there. He had lived on a bench at Charles De Gaulle airport in Paris. He washed and showered in the public toilets of the airport. He lived on the charity of the employees. He could neither stay nor leave. Neither stay here nor stay there. He had no place to go. Neither in heaven nor on earth. His luck was that French airports work, you are never left in the cold or in the dark, they don’t attack you, nobody sends you away, they don’t give you residual cargo. Another good thing for him: that the airports are on the mainland. And that planes cannot be forced not to land. He could have been much worse. Had it happened to him at a seaport, I don’t know, tell you which one comes to mind, perhaps they would have ordered him to spend eighteen years at sea, waiting for some other port to decide to welcome him.

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