Infanta Cristina of Spain will give the former handball champion 25,000 euros a month for divorce –

Infanta Cristina of Spain will give the former handball champion 25,000 euros a month for divorce -


Of Sports editorial team

King Felipe VI’s sister, Christina of Bourbon, forced to shell out two million euros as well as various properties and a super monthly check to her ex-husband Iaki Urdangarn, a former handball Olympian, for divorce. And for silence about a scandal

A Real scandal touches Spanish sport again, but it has nothing to do with football, Real Madrid or the judicial-arbitration vicissitudes of Barcelona.

Christine of Bourbon-Spain, royal Infanta and sister of King Philip VI, is in fact divorcing her husband, former handball player Iaki Urdangarn — two Olympic and one European bronze medals during his sporting career, but also a sentence of five years and ten months in prison for having stolen more than 6 million euros from the funds of a non-profit organization of which he was at the top — for a ‘bitter story of betrayal. The decision to separate dates back to last year and has nothing scandalous, but now the figures that Cristina will pay to her ex-wife emerge: Infanta Cristina will have to pay the father of her four children 25,000 euros a month, a compensation of two million euros and put various properties in his name, Telecinco’s Fiesta program explained on Sunday.

The figures emerged from the diary of the youngest daughter, Irene, who is about to come of age (next June 6). Only then will Iaki and Cristina go to the notary: if they did so now, there would be a trial to listen to the will of the younger daughter.

According to the broadcast, the dizzying figure would also be due to the fact that Urdangarn alone took responsibility for the Nos Case, therefore condemning him, without involving the Royal house.

February 27, 2023 (change February 27, 2023 | 11:49 am)


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