Inequalities, how to free knowledge to eliminate them: the event at the Basso Foundation

Inequalities, how to free knowledge to eliminate them: the event at the Basso Foundation

ROME - "Freeing up knowledge to reduce inequalities". This is the title of the event, organized by Inequalities and Diversity Forum for today, April 12, at 11, in the conference room of the Bass Foundation, via della Dogana Vecchia 5 in Rome. Fabrizio Barca, co-coordinator of the ForumDDwill present a Manifesto prepared by researchers who in the ForumDD they deal with issues related to the topic to relaunch the many proposals developed over the years, to guide the digital and technological transitions in a democratic sense. The event is moderated by Gloria Riva, journalist of L'Espresso.

The risk of knowledge concentration. The way in which societies will govern the diffusion and use of knowledge has and will increasingly have a crucial role in the increase or reduction of social justice: the digital transition can in fact be an opportunity for a widespread improvement of the material conditions and of people, or lead to an unprecedented monopolistic concentration of knowledge and control of data, with a serious worsening of inequalities. In order for the first scenario to come about, public policies for innovation are needed, a development marked by social and environmental justice and the reduction of inequalities, such as those referred to in the Manifesto and which will be presented by some members of the working group on knowledge of the ForumDD.

Pandemic: public and private financial risks. Massimo Florio, University of Milan, will present the study "Mapping of long-term public and private investments in the development of COVID-19 vaccines”, drawn up at the request of the European Parliament and presented on 23 March in Brussels. The study returns for the first time the calculation of the public and private contribution to the development and production of vaccines against Covid-19, showing the clear prevalence of the financial risk assumed by the public compared to the private sector, which was however followed by enormous extra profits for a small group of enterprises with the surrender of the reasons of the public interest. The presentation will be commented by Marc Botenga, (Partito del Lavoro of Belgium), European parliamentarian and member of the Commission on the lessons to be learned from the pandemic, Patrizia Toia, (Partito Democratico) European parliamentarian, Vice-President of the Commission for Industry, Research, Energy (ITRE) and Alessandra Moretti , (Partito Democratico), MEP, member of the Environment and Health Commission and S&D Group rapporteur of the Commission on the lessons to be learned from the pandemic.

The other interventions. Subsequently, Ugo Pagano (University of Siena), Fulvio Esposito (University of Camerino), Angelica Sbardella (Enrico Fermi Research Center) and Giulio De Petra will intervene to present the political proposals elaborated starting from the respective lines of research in greater detail. (Center for State Reform), which will deal with issues such as intellectual property and open science, the social impact of Universities and the "Third Mission", green technological competitiveness, and access to data for purposes of collective interest. Free admission subject to availability. To participate, registration is required here. The event will also be broadcast live on ForumDD youtube channel.

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