In the USA, 40% of animals and 34% of plants are at risk of extinction

In the USA, 40% of animals and 34% of plants are at risk of extinction


40% of animals and 34% of plants in the US are at risk of extinction, while 41% of ecosystems are at risk of collapse. This was revealed by a study by NatureServe, an important group on environmental conservation. The report, which analyzes data from a network of 1,000 scientists in the US and Canada, is considered the most comprehensive to date, and has been described as “terrifying” by Sean O’Brien, president of NatureServe. Texas, California and the southeastern United States have the highest proportions of endangered plants and animals.


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“The data reported by NatureServe is grim, a heartbreaking sign of the real problems our wildlife and ecosystems are facing,” the Democrat said. Don Beyerwho proposed a bill to create a system of wildlife corridors to rebuild threatened populations of fish, fauna and plants. “I am grateful for their efforts, which will give a boost to efforts to protect biodiversity,” she added.


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Among the endangered species there are for example the carnivorous plant Venus flytrapfound in the wild in only a few counties in North and South Carolina. And still almost half of the cactus species and 200 tree species. Among ecosystems, America’s vast temperate prairies are among the most at risk. The threats are varied, the report found, but include “the habitat degradation and the land conversionL’river pollution and the climate change“.


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