In the United States, nuclear fusion has made a revolutionary leap

In the United States, nuclear fusion has made a revolutionary leap


The results achieved by the Livermore Laboratory are a turning point for the development of inertial confinement technology. But there are also good signs for the continuation of magnetic confinement tests, where Italy can be at the forefront. The role this discovery could play in the climate transition

A new announcement about nuclear fusion. Which reinforces hopes that this technology could play a role in the climate transition, managing to produce electricity in the second half of this century. This time the announcement comes from the United States where, at the National Ignition Facility, at the Livermore Laboratory, in California, experiments are being conducted on the technological trend of nuclear fusion called inertial confinement: powerful laser beams compress a millimeter shell of deuterium and tritium, isotopes of hydrogen, resulting in a plasma state of these two atomic nuclei which, under pressure, fuse together releasing a large amount of thermal energy. Which will be transformed into electricity.

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