In the new and innovative game of Napoli there is an example for the whole city to follow

In the new and innovative game of Napoli there is an example for the whole city to follow


If you go to Naples today from any geographical space you will notice blue festoons. Both in the most hidden corners (those of the alleys) and in the good neighborhoods, because Naples is also built, indeed above all, on hills. So, in Naples there are also the uptown neighborhoods, even if they are never represented, do you want to put the charm of healthy popular representation? If you are in the city you can see a blue ship, a bright and bold papier-mâché construction that wanders through the alleys. If you are on a real ship, on the approaching sea, you will notice that the city is bluer than the sky and the sea water, if you flew over Naples on Thursday evening, immediately after the draw with Udinese and therefore when we had the mathematical certainty that no one took us anymore, well the city below you would have appeared as a botanical flowering of fires, lights lit ad libitum – so those who were on the plane Thursday evening swear. If instead you are out of town, apart from the fact that you have certainly noticed the quantity of memes that the inventors of the web are publishing in these hours, and for now the best known sees a Mattarella with the black mask and platinum blond hair of Victor Osimhen, but if you are outside Naples, do not be eager to return as soon as possible so as not to miss the party, whether you are a Napoli fan or not. Because this story will go on for quite a while and will see the ignition of firecrackers and smoke bombs, explosions of batteries of fires built for the occasion and therefore dioxin in the air that is nothing but waste-to-energy plants in full operationthen explosions of joy that the media will define as uncontainable, choirs and choruses of jubilation and mockery of the entire range of Italian fans, above all (and here I agree) with Salerno.

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