In the death of Aldo Canovari, a serious and rebellious Italian obsessed with guarantees

In the death of Aldo Canovari, a serious and rebellious Italian obsessed with guarantees


His publishing house Liberilibri hosted the defenders of the indefensible. Pannelliano in fact and by choice, he was an unconventional man: he embodied the myth of freedom to the point of making it a severe and euphoric paroxysm

Aldo Canovari was a special Italian of those who “live and work in Macerata”. To lightly mock the apparently dormant province, which is actually lively and strong in humble Apennine Italy, Ennio Flaiano made fun of a famous aphorism: “There are people who live and work in Macerata”. This extraordinary character was born there in 1946, loved and followed with fervor but with great discretion by loads of friends and admirers; he had inherited the status of local medium-sized entrepreneur from his father, owner of companies in the automotive sector, and then employed a fortune, with good results, in the methane field. He wasn’t satisfied with making money, he wanted to spend it well, with commitment and civil pleasure.

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