I am under 60 but I am a frail patient. Can I take the fifth dose of the anti-Covid vaccine?

I am under 60 but I am a frail patient.  Can I take the fifth dose of the anti-Covid vaccine?


“I belong to the fragile category, but being under 60 I cannot access the fifth dose of the anti-Covid vaccine. Wouldn’t it be right to extend it to people like me as well?”

The current provisions on the fifth dose are based on the age limits of frail patients beyond the absolute criterion of vulnerability. However, some local health authorities allow discretionary administration over 12 years to particular immunosuppressed patients or patients undergoing immunosuppressive therapy. You can contact your doctor and your Local Health Authority to understand if you can fall into these categories. It is useful to point out that, although its consideration is reasonable, in any case the concept of “fragility” is not something abstract or subjective, but defined in ministerial circulars.

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Covid: do I have to do the fifth dose? When? With which vaccine?

*Claudio Cricelli is President of SIMG, the Italian Society of General Medicine and Primary Care


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