Hunting in the parks: passes the amendment on the culling of wild boars in the city

Hunting in the parks: passes the amendment on the culling of wild boars in the city


Despite the opposition and the denunciation of numerous environmental and animal rights associations, the government goes ahead on thethe amendment included in the budget law to allow the killing of wildlife for road safety reasons even in protected areas and in cities.

The Budget Committee of the Chamber has in fact approved the amendment proposed by the deputy Thomas Foti, initially judged inadmissible and then readmitted among the “reported”. The proposal also includes the adoption of a Extraordinary five-year plan for the management and containment of wildlife feasible “by killing and capture”. The “containment” is implemented even in areas where hunting is prohibited, including protected areas and urban areas, in days of hunting silence and in periods of prohibition. The operations are coordinated by the Carabinieri Forestry, Environmental and Agri-Food Protection Unit Command, which will be able to make use of recognized hunters, hunting guards and licensed local and provincial police officers.

Towards the vote

What politics does to protect animals: programs compared

by Simone Cosimi

Today, the note released by Angelo Bonelli, Green-Left alliance. “At 6.45 this morning the right-wing majority, violating rules and agreements on the work between the majority and the opposition, approved the amendment which introduces the hunting of all animal species in parks and cities into the economic maneuver at any time and at any time period – denounces the deputy and spokesman for Green Europe who participated in the work of the budget commission – The law will allow the killing of species protected by the EU, it does not only concern wild boars, such as wolves, bears, foxes and others in total violation of the Habitats Directive and Article 9 of the Constitution.”

Towards the elections

There are 23 pro-hunting candidates. Worried wwf

by Giacomo Talignani

“They decided to kill protected animals in no-hunting areas to do the hunting and gun lobby a favor – Bonelli underlines – We will fight in Parliament but our complaint to the European Union is already ready because we are convinced that the Italy will be put in formal notice with the launch of an infringement procedure against the Italian government.It is shameful the arrogance with which the right-wing majority proceeded to get the amendment approved, keeping it hidden until 6 in the morning, and then present it at the last moment! Giorgia Meloni’s party used the budget to launch the attack on biodiversity and the fauna of our country: shame!”, concludes the deputy of the Greens.


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