“Hunger”, the film on Netflix that talks about the obsession with Thai food and talks about politics

“Hunger”, the film on Netflix that talks about the obsession with Thai food and talks about politics


Bangkok. “You have to know a person. You have taken over a historic restaurant in Bangkok and want to relaunch it. You invested 178 million baht in it. We are talking about five million euros. Now look for someone to tell this story”. That story is yet to be told and the restaurant has yet to open. For the moment it is yet another case of synchronicity, the significant coincidences that mark your life in Asia. Because we can anticipate the person who took over the historic restaurant in Bangkok, an Italian restaurant, those who talk about it and those who await its opening hoping to be invited or sure of being invited, all seem to be characters from “Hunger”, the Thai film broadcast on Netflix platform from April 6th.

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