How to reduce plastic use by 80% by 2040

How to reduce plastic use by 80% by 2040


Plastic pollution could be reduced by 80% by 2040 if countries and companies make profound market and policy changes using existing technologies. This was stated in a new report by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) entitled ”Turning off the tap: how the world can put an end to plastic pollution and create a circular economy”, published in view of a second round of negotiations in Paris on a comprehensive agreement to solve the global problem.

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The report suggests solutions based on the 3 Rs: reuse (it would allow for a 30% cut in pollution over the next 17 years), recycling (for an additional 20% less and up to 50% by eliminating fossil fuel subsidies and strengthening guidelines to improve recyclability) and redirect production (17% less using alternative materials).

Switching to a circular economy would result in savings of $1.27 trillion when considering recycling costs and revenues, according to the study. An additional $3.25 trillion would be saved from externalities such as health, climate, air pollution, marine ecosystem degradation, and litigation costs. This change, according to Unep, could also result in a net increase of 700,000 jobs by 2040mainly in low-income countries, significantly improving the living conditions of millions of workers.

In terms of investment, the costs for the recommended changes are significant but less than what would be spent in the absence of systemic change: $65 billion annually versus $113 billion annually. Time is of the essence: a five-year delay could lead to an 80 million tonnes increase in plastic pollution by 2040.

Finally, the report recommends an internationally comprehensive tax framework to enable recycled materials to compete on a level playing field with virgin materials, create an economy of scale and establish a shift to an economy of scale, and establish systems for monitoring and financing mechanisms.


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