How to fight air pollution. Physics helps

How to fight air pollution.  Physics helps


On Saturday 7 January I spoke to you about aerosol physics, its basis in the kinetic theory of gases and how important it is in daily life and also as a guide in some of the crucial choices for humanity today. You will ask yourself: but Is it possible to make rigorous scientific dissemination, not simple scientific information, in a newspaper? Hard work, almost impossible. The impossible attracts me, so as a “big head” (the inhabitants of Reggio are known to be “big heads”, stubborn) I try to continue. Let’s take it as a game, without using mathematical formulas. But it’s worth it because the game helps us to have thoughtful and safe opinions on a lot of problems, without going in tow of fake news and unique thoughts, now rampant. A little concentration is necessary but much less than what a chess player, even just a beginner, must have.

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