he crashed in the Tour of Upper Austria of ciclo-Corriere.it

he crashed in the Tour of Upper Austria of ciclo-Corriere.it


Another very bad downhill crash: the talent of Geo&Tex Trentino Jacopo Venzo crashes and dies at the Tour of Austria

this is the note issued on Saturday morning by Campana Imballaggi Geo&Tex Trentino. Jacopo was an extraordinary boy, with a future to be written in sport and above all in life, and for this he hurts even more. All of Campana Imballaggi Geo&Tex Trentino gathers around family, friends and all those who loved Jacopo in this moment of immense pain, reads today’s press release. We ask that the privacy of the family be respected and we thank all those who will give us their support. Now we have one more angel to protect us up there. Hi Jacopo, thank you for the good times spent together. You cannot imagine how much we will miss you, concluded the Geo&Tex Trentino packaging bell.

Article being updated

July 22, 2023 (change July 22, 2023 | 10:23 am)


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