Harassment, pillory, guilty, innocent. In “A place in the sun” complexity is staged

Harassment, pillory, guilty, innocent.  In "A place in the sun" complexity is staged


“We were interested in investigating the dynamics of summary trials on the net to unhinge, through the actions and words of the characters, the automatism of ‘men against women’ by force, always and in any case”. The head writer and the script editor speak

An evening on TV, a historical soap, the Posillipo hill, a building as the main scene and an accusation against a young man: harassment of a girl. The accused has all the traits of the perfect culprit. The environment becomes a Greek chorus and points the finger without delay, even on social media, and also against the alleged accomplices of silence. But you, the viewer, know that he is innocent from the beginning, and even if he really got into a relationship with the girl at some point. You know that nothing is as it seems in the narration of the alleged victim, you know that he, the alleged culprit, he is imperfect and immersed like many in the contradictions of his private life, but imperfect does not necessarily mean guilty. And you know why she told the falsehood, you know about the small spite that she didn’t want to reach the level of criminal justice, but you also know that it’s easy to believe her, because unfortunately real violence and harassment exist elsewhere and are many, and the chronicle documents them.

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