“Hands off Maccarani” – Corriere.it

"Hands off Maccarani" - Corriere.it


Of Marco Bonarrigo

A group of gymnasts made their voices heard on the eve of the FGI federal council which will decide on the future of the coach Emanuela Maccarani under investigation for alleged mistreatment of the athletes

The tazebao: Maccarani present, past and future. The picket at the door of the Rhythmic Academy. The procession choirs: Hands off Maccarani. This afternoon in Desio a gathering of nostalgics of the student struggle was not staged but the flash mob of 25 shivering butterflies (10-16 years, by eye) invited by their parents to ask the government of Italian gymnastics to leave her positions (technical director and coach of the Rhythmic national team) to the coach of their future dreams, Emanuela Maccarani

In the meantime, the Instagram messages of the captain Alessia Maurelli were leaving from the building where the Milanese – under investigation on the criminal and sports fronts for alleged mistreatment – was training the 11 blue: I don’t know what will happen to us, but sport has taught me a lot. Tomorrow he will be in Rome to discuss with the leaders of gymnastics. The chants, the posts, the (revoked) threat of a sensational sit-in by the same Butterflies of the national team agitated the 10 advisers of the president Tecchi on the evecalled today to the Foro Italico to decide the future of the coach on whom the president of Coni Malag spent indirect words: No sports manager thinks of becoming a judge and not even those who write in the newspapers: there are prepared people who must give answers with great speed .

Waiting for the judges’ answers, the Council must immediately decide the future of Maccarani whose contract has expired. After the complaints of the former butterflies Corradini, Basta and Galtarossa (which were followed by 200 on the Ritmica system) the federal plan seemed outlined: prudential revocation of the position of technical director (hired ad interim by President Tecchi) but confirmation of that of coach in waiting for a sports referral (between 20-25 days) which seems obvious. Evaluated the reaction of the coach (who could leave if weakened) and forfeited the decision of the federal prosecutor, in the next Council Tecchi could have confirmed it or proposed replacements, moreover not so easy to find.

The wall of gymnasts (who stripped of the Farfalle appellation in protest) reshuffled the cards making the meeting fiery and unpredictable: will the councilors have the courage to go against their champions? In the meantime, yesterday there was a step forward on the sports justice front, which arose precisely from the complaints in gymnastics: Coni has signed the Red Code drawn up by Change The Game and the Court of Milan which provides for a rapid exchange of information between criminal and sports prosecutors to protect victims of all forms of violence in sport.

January 11, 2023 (change January 11, 2023 | 19:46)


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