Greenwashing? It is fought with detailed information

Greenwashing?  It is fought with detailed information


Less and less space for the greenwashing. In addition to growing consumer awareness and pressure from large investors, institutions are also raising their guard against green communications that are not followed by concrete commitments. Starting this year, large companies with over 500 employees are required to provide timely information on the state of compliance with the EU environmental taxonomythus classifying eco-sustainable activities and reporting the results obtained on this front.

The calculation of the progress achieved

It’s not just about “telling” what was done, but about quantify progress in two directions: mitigation and adaptation to climate change. The obligations imposed for the current year are only a first step, given that the taxonomy is a process in progress, which for now includes sectors such as utilities and energy, but excludes food or clothing. New restrictions will enter into force as early as next year and therefore the disclosure will have to be even more detailed.

The role of technologies for the energy transition

In this regard, it should be remembered that in the latest update on Interpretive faq of the green taxonomythe EU Commission has indicated among the “eligible” sectors for the sustainability license the technological services for electronic tolls, the intelligent transportation system (also known by the acronym Its, they provide support for the optimization of transport) and the airport infrastructure built according to the principles of the circular economy and powered by renewable energy. All areas that have now been circumscribed to define their sustainability profiles and which in the near future could fully become green certifications and therefore enjoy greater ease of access to credit.


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