Greenpeace: Amsterdam airport will ban private jets from 2025

Greenpeace: Amsterdam airport will ban private jets from 2025


Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, one of the largest in Europe, has just announced it will abolish night flights and ban private jets by 2025, to limit greenhouse gas emissions and noise pollution around the airport.

“Excellent news for the planet’s climate and also the health of the people who live nearby, since private jets are the most polluting form of transport in existence”, he comments Federico Spadini of the Transport campaign by Greenpeace Italy. “If we want to avoid the climate catastrophe we must immediately reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, starting with the most superfluous ones. Today’s announcement is a good start, now is the time to ban private jets also in Italy and throughout Europe” .

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A recent report by Greenpeace revealed that in 2022 private jet flights in Europe more than doubled compared to the previous year, with CO emissions2 equal to those of 555 thousand residents in Europe. It is estimated that around one in 10 private flights in Europe departed from Italy.

With a petition addressed to the Italian government, Greenpeace is calling for concrete measures against the energy and climate crisis, including the ban on private jets and the introduction of the climate ticket for more sustainable and accessible public transport.

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