Grandparents’ Day, Federanziani: “Cognitive decline Achilles heel of Welfare”

Grandparents' Day, Federanziani: "Cognitive decline Achilles heel of Welfare"


Helping grandparents to train their minds and tackle cognitive decline. This is the gift from Senior Italia FederAnziani on the occasion of their party, which is celebrated on 2 October. What is it about? A digital platform and four different apps developed for the rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation of patients with neurocognitive diseases. The project is called “e-MemoryCare”, was conceived by a student in psychology, Marianna Messina, and uses a scientific Advisory Board that brings together psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, nutritionists, physiatrists, cardiologists, neuro-psychologists and economists.


“E-MemoryCare is an innovative non-pharmacological method, personalized patient by patient, which can be used at home with the help of trained caregivers, family members or health professionals, in order to counteract cognitive decline”, explains Messina. It cannot be self-administered, because the tool is designed to allow healthcare professionals to work closely with patients and remotely control the evolution and intervene promptly “. Through very complicated algorithms – he continues – e-MemoryCare is ‘tailored’ to suit the patient, based on his personal characteristics. The various exercises provided activate a stimulation that intervenes not only on the cognitive sphere, but also on the affective, social, behavioral and relational one ”.

Train the memory against cognitive deficits

The objective of the project – which is sponsored by Senior Italia FederAnziani and supported and promoted by FIMMG (Italian Federation of General Practitioners), SUMAI ASSOPROF (Single Union of Italian Outpatient Medicine and Healthcare Professionalism), FNOPI (National Federation of Orders of the nursing professions) and CNOP (National Council of the Order of Psychologists) – is to help prevent hospitalizations and admissions to protected structures and to maintain a good quality of life for the patient and, consequently, to save the national health system.

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An aging population

If today there are about 14 million over 65 in our country and represent about 23% of the population, in 2050 there will be over 19 million, that is more than a third of our population (36%). These numbers – reports Federanziani – allow us to estimate an increase in patients with Alzheimer’s from the current 600,000 to over 820,000 in 2050, while the current 1 million patients with cognitive decline will pass to 1.3 million. Our system risks being caught unprepared, also because the average annual cost per patient with Alzheimer’s is estimated at around 70,587 euros. Only a small part of these costs are borne by the NHS, weighing instead for the vast majority only on families: about 68 thousand euros. For Federanziani it is essential to put the issue at the center of social and health policies. Cognitive decline – he argues – represents the true Achilles heel of our welfare.

The economic burden of the current crisis on grandparents

Then there is another, more current problem, highlighted by the association: the economic weight of the current crisis, linked to the war in Ukraine, the high bills and the consequences of Covid. Expenses for energy, in particular, are likely to pulverize two months of an average pension. Hence the appeal for the emergency to be dealt with effectively. According to Federanziani’s estimates, the 12 million Italian grandparents contribute over 38.2 billion to family budgets. According to data from the Centro Studi Senior Italia FederAnziani, 92.8% of seniors help or have financially helped their children and grandchildren (often: 48%; sometimes: 34.7%; rarely: 10.1%), while only the 7.2% never did. Among those who helped their children’s families, 41.8% transferred monthly between 100 and 500 euros, 8.2% between 500 and 1,000 euros, and 7.3% he even contributed more than 1000 euros each month. But an equally important help is that related to the care of grandchildren: 35.5% devote them up to 10 hours a week, 24.4% take care of them between 10 and 20 hours, 7.4% among 20 and 40 and 7.4% for over 40 hours.

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The consequences of Covid

This year will certainly be a less joyful Grandparents’ Day than the past pre-pandemic years, also because in the last year many elderly people have died due to Covid: more than 46,000. This is why the association recalls the importance of encouraging new vaccinations, especially for those over 60. And also anti Covid prophylaxis for those almost 150,000 patients in Italy, who for their onco-haematological diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, for having undergone organ transplants, due to the immunosuppressive drugs they take daily, can never be protected by any vaccine.

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Federanziani’s appeal

The question that Senior Italia FederAnziani arises – and poses – is: “How will our grandparents and, consequently, families keep going? The scenario in the future may become even more dramatic due to the phenomena linked to the progressive aging of the population. It is time to take concrete action – concludes the association – and tackle the major problems in our welfare linked to the aging of the population. So that the next Grandparents’ Holidays can once again be truly celebrations “.


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