goal by Dybala from a penalty – Corriere.it

goal by Dybala from a penalty - Corriere.it


Of Mirko Graziano

The match between Turin and Rome was decided by the penalty scored by Paulo Dybala at the start of the match, and conceded for a hand ball by Schuurs following a shot by Zalewski

The match between Turin and Rome was decided by the penalty scored by Paulo Dybala at the start of the match, and conceded for a handball by Schuurs following a shot by Zalewski.

Despite the disadvantage, the hosts played a good game, without being able to realize the chances in the second half from Miranchuk, Radonjic and Pellegri in the final. Then in the recovery Abraham wastes the possible doubling.

The Giallorossi thus rise to third place and overtake the two Milanese. READ THE COMPLETE LISTING HERE.

(article being updated)

April 8, 2023 (change April 8, 2023 | 20:29)


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