Fraternity meeting: the Grana Padano Consortium present in St. Peter’s Square

Fraternity meeting: the Grana Padano Consortium present in St. Peter's Square


The Consortium for the Protection of Grana Padano Cheese participate in world meeting on human fraternityby title “Not Alone” (#notalone) which will be held on June 10 in Piazza San Pietro and simultaneously in eight other squares around the world.

In collaboration with Coldiretti And Friend Campaignthe most consumed DOP cheese in the world joined the event organized by All Brothers Foundationwhich is inspired by theEncyclical Brothers whose three basic verbs are: participate, give back and spread.

To jointly promote a culture of brotherhood and peace, also through the distribution of cheese bars in baskets donated to the neediest and as a product for the preparation of dishes that will be offered to people from all over the world, the Grana Padano will be present at Coldiretti villageset up in Via della Conciliazione and in St. Peter’s Square.

The president of the Consortium, Renato Zaghiniwanted to announce the accession of Grana Padano to the event with these words: “The culture of brotherhood and solidarity belongs to the DNA of Grana Padano cheese, which, as is known, was invented in the Chiaravalle abbey by the mastery of Cistercian monks around the year one thousand. It was created to preserve milk and to feed the population even during the winter or in periods of famine. We will be in Rome in the next few days, alongside the Church and the Papal States, to share and spread new experiences of fraternity and as a sign of protection for the most needy”.


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