For French Theory, the Sanremo Festival is a series of linked wrongs

For French Theory, the Sanremo Festival is a series of linked wrongs


On the stage of the Ariston goes on stage a force capable of connecting and holding together apparently different but basically homogeneous worlds, from politics to entertainment, up to costume. That strength which, more than a book, a speech in Parliament or a Sunday homily, gives the feeling of “arriver”. To happen, and arrive at your destination

The stakes, second Jean-Francois Lyotard: “To refute the prejudice according to which, thanks to centuries of humanism and the human sciences, it is believed that ‘man’ and ‘language’ exist, and that the former uses the latter by bending it to its own purposes”. Nowadays, I know, the French Theory is no longer on the shields and few read Lyotard’s report on knowledge (however, I say it in passing, if I have to choose between Rosa Chemical and the postmodern or Salvini and the return to order, I don’t have many doubts), and yet he would still render him some service, if necessary.

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