Food, migrants, social housing: here is the Italy of talks that doesn’t hurt Meloni

Food, migrants, social housing: here is the Italy of talks that doesn't hurt Meloni


The effects and stylistic influences of Rete 4 are far greater than you think. From nutrition to tragedies at sea to social reality, how right-wing rhetoric is constructed

The general criterion for recommendations was once said to lead, in practical application, to a trio made up of a leftist, a Christian Democrat and a good one. Something of this tripartition echoes in the lineups of the talks in an obviously modernized but extraordinarily effective version to get out of the embarrassment of the shouted program, also vicious and also full of denunciation reports, but in favor of the government. Obviously we are talking about the world of retequattrista, whose effects and stylistic contaminations are far greater than one might think, also touching on other television shores and creating emulation. Returning to the trio, here it is explained in a typical lineup, which aired a few nights ago, in which the attack on traditional food, the landings of migrants and the organized crime that manages the occupations of public housing were found in succession. Here is the tripartite division brought into Melonian Italy.

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