Finally we’re back to talking about the only thing that matters: money

Finally we're back to talking about the only thing that matters: money


The government is proposing tax relief, South Korea wants to pay hikikomori to get them out of the house, and Schlein’s color schemer reports the fee. Money brings happiness and now research proves it too

The landscape is bleak. Still, I see something good; but not on the horizon, but already among us. I am referring to the fact that we have returned to talking about money. And I don’t mean only those of the Pnrr (in this regard, I take the opportunity of these lines in a national newspaper to address Guido Crosetto: minister, don’t worry if you don’t know how to spend two hundred billion euros, you take them anyway, then eventually you call me and I’ll take care of spending it, and not in three years, three days are enough for me). But we don’t just talk about money when it comes to the Pnrr, I said: we’ve returned to talking about it in various areas, and always in a proactive way. Money as a solution, a valid argument, an effective tool. The conjuncture is such that it seems astral: scientific research has recently shown that yes, money brings happiness (unless one is unhappy of his own, the two researchers are keen to point out who have demonstrated this obviousness; thus adding another “come on!” to the “who would have thought it!” with which this study was received).

At the same time, Minister Giorgetti proposed tax relief for those who have or have more than two children, a sort of 110 percent bonus to the uterus (coverage will be found by fining singles who say English words and eat scallops of synthetic meat breaded in cricket flour); South Korea, on the other hand, has decided to solve the hikikomori problem by paying them to leave the house, practically an income from walking. And the thing that struck me the most in the Vogue interview with Elly Schlein is not so much the use of color harmony itself; but the fact that the secretary of the Democratic Party pays a person 300 euros an hour to be told how green, yellow and red look on her; when at Ikea with less than 100 euros you buy yourself a mirror and you see it for yourself. (I hope at least that the image consultant paid by Elly Schlein tells her that everything is fine with her: no one would pay 300 euros to be told “white makes you fat” or “orange makes you smack”, ok the tafazzism on the left but there is also a limit to masochism. I add a question to this parenthesis: if I get paid illegally, can I tell the tax authorities that it’s not tax evasion but color matching?).

So, I was saying: the time is over when they offered us visibility in exchange, or merchandise as a gift like to influencers we weren’t even Sumerians dedicated to bartering. Finally back to the substance: the money! It’s about time: we missed them. Mind you: real money, not crypto-currencies. Current currency, printed and signed by nation-states and central banks. Real money. In recent years we have tried to live without them: we have invented happy degrowth; we theorized the sharing economy; we put non-material needs first. To then realize that no, we are no longer happy; but only poorer. I do not deny that capitalism has had its day and its limits are now perceived more than its opportunities, its distortions more than its virtues; but in the absence of a viable and credible alternative, this we have. And capitalism works like hot water showers on the beach: either you put a penny in it, or you take a cold shower. And it’s not pleasant. So, welcome to talk about money! Now, however, enough talk: let’s move on to practice, get them out.


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