FdI also wants to open the hunt in parks and cities, environmentalists arise

FdI also wants to open the hunt in parks and cities, environmentalists arise


“The killing of wildlife is also possible for reasons of road safety, in protected areas and in cities. Furthermore, if the animals pass the hygienic-sanitary tests, they can be destined for food consumption”, this is the content of an amendment by FdI to the budget law that infuriated environmental associations. The proposal includes the adoption of an extraordinary five-year plan for the management and containment of wildlife that can be implemented “by killing and capturing”. The containment is also implemented “in areas prohibited for hunting, in days of hunting silence and in periods of prohibition”. “A senseless and illegitimate proposal” for the environmentalist world.

“If the ‘wild hunting’ amendment were approved, a small category of individuals, increasingly isolated from the social fabric, would be authorized to massacre wild animals and endanger public safety under the pretext of ‘control’ of fauna ” is the comment expressed in a joint note by Enpa, Lac, Lav, Legambiente, Lipu, Wwf. “The problem with the ‘hunting no limits’ amendment is not only in the merits but also in the method – the associations denounce – How is it possible that this amendment, clearly inadmissible, since it has nothing to do with the Budget Law and with the finances of the State, could it have reached the examination of the Budget Commission of the Chamber?”. “Do the government and the majority – they continue – perhaps plan to dismantle the cornerstones of the country’s environmental legislation at a time when biodiversity, not only in Italy but throughout the planet, absolutely needs greater protection?”

Towards the vote

What politics does to protect animals: programs compared

by Simone Cosimi

In fact, the amendment presented by the Brothers of Italy “does not only demolish law 157/92 on the protection of fauna and regulation of hunting but also law 394/91 on protected areas which would be open to shooting to please the hunting lobby and But the gallery of hunting horrors does not end here, because the measure presented to the attention of the Budget Commission also provides for an imaginary ‘extraordinary plan for the management and containment of wildlife’ which would deal a mortal blow to our fragile heritage of biodiversity “.

And the one expressed by the Senate Environment Commission is also a “very serious signal” which, in expressing its opinion on the decree-law reorganizing the ministries, approved an observation in which it is asked to identify the suitable methods for transferring state functions to fauna from the Ministry of the Environment to the Ministry of Agriculture. “A senseless proposal, a mix of unconstitutionality and illogicality, which denotes the subordination of certain policies to the requests of hunting lobbies and gunsmiths”. “We strongly ask the parliamentarians of the Budget Commission of the Chamber to reject the ‘wild hunting’ amendment. This is also requested by the vast majority of Italians who are against hunting and, therefore, killing animals for entertainment, and which – conclude the associations – we are certain will not fail to make its protest heard against any hunting deregulation plan”.

Towards the elections

There are 23 pro-hunting candidates. Worried wwf

by Giacomo Talignani

“It is an illegitimate amendment because of a legal nature and therefore incompatible according to the regulation with the Budget Law – instead say Green Europe and the Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra – we are amazed at its readmission to the Commission and therefore ask the Speaker of the Chamber to intervene” . “If this amendment were to be approved – explain Angelo Bonelli and Eleonora Evi, together with the group leader in the Chamber, Luana Zanella – it would be ‘wild hunting’ and a massacre of wild animals would be authorized in protected areas where today, by law, it is forbidden to hunt. Furthermore, by authorizing hunting in urban areas, public safety would be endangered under the pretext of ‘control’ of the fauna.The problem with the ‘hunting no limits’ amendment is not only in the substance but also in the method: government and majority want to destroy the Italian environmental legislation at a time when biodiversity, threatened by the climate crisis, should be better protected.The amendment presented by the Brothers of Italy, in fact, attacks the law 394/91 on protected areas that would be open to hunting to please the hunting lobby of whose closeness the Premier party has never made a secret”. “We are business as usual: what does wild hunting and mostly to be carried out in parks have to do with the Budget law? For our part – conclude Bonelli, Evi and Zanella – if it is not withdrawn or in the absence of an intervention by the president of the Chamber, it will be stonewalling”.


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