Fazio, Annunziata, Giletti: the market for the “purged” that lengthens their careers

Fazio, Annunziata, Giletti: the market for the "purged" that lengthens their careers


In recent weeks, the country has witnessed an intense debate on the real or presumed “purges” of television journalists, who, sensing the new political course in Rai, felt a hostile climate or no longer felt at ease. And they drew the conclusions they deemed most appropriate. Lucia Announcedwho edited one of the few in-depth programs, left Rai because “I don’t share anything with the work of the current government”, she wrote in her resignation letter. Fabio Fazio, author of one of the most successful broadcasts on public TV, has instead preferred to sign an important new contract with Discovery. He sought the freedom in the private market that he assumed he would no longer have in Rai.

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