Expensive bills and the elderly: one in 4 is cold at home, heart risk and falls

Expensive bills and the elderly: one in 4 is cold at home, heart risk and falls


With the arrival of winter, saving against expensive bills can cost dearly to the health of the 3 million elderly, especially the most vulnerable, who in Italy live in energy poverty and are unable to adequately heat their homes . Being cold at home with temperatures well below the 19° required by law, when the mercury column drops further in the coming weeks, can be harmful to the health of the most vulnerable elderly in particular. To warn against these risks are the specialists of the Italian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics (SIGG), on the occasion of the 67th national congress which will end on December 3rd in Rome, at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.

A danger to the elderly

“The need to bear the cold at home due to expensive bills is not only an unpleasant condition but also dangerous for the health of the elderly, especially for the cardiovascular system – he says Francesco Landi, SIGG national president and UOC director of Internal Geriatric Medicine Agostino Gemelli University Hospital Foundation IRCCS, professor of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome campus -. Generally, with advancing age, the thermoregulation system deteriorates and many elderly people feel more cold even at home, especially in the limbs and extremities, because the body concentrates heat in the fundamental parts of the body, i.e. the heart, brain and lungs . Often the elderly may feel cold because he has thin skin with less body fat, or because he moves or eats little or has reduced muscle mass and slowed metabolism with less heat production. But a continuous sensation of cold due to prolonged exposure to low temperatures at home can lead to an exacerbation of respiratory and cardiac diseases, falls, with the dramatic corollary of fractures and an increase in hospital admissions and even mortality.” .

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Heart problems

Epidemiological studies show that living in a cold house increases the risk of stroke and heart attack in those who already have heart problems. “When the temperature at home drops, in fact, blood vessels constrict, increasing blood pressure and hindering circulation. Even our blood – adds Landi – becomes thicker, in part due to an increase in the levels of a protein called fibrinogen and other molecules responsible for clotting.The narrowing of blood vessels also leads to more urination, which can cause dehydration if the lost fluids are not replaced sufficiently by drinking more water.These changes can increase the risk of blood clots and force the cardiovascular system to work harder.”

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The cold inside can also have harmful effects on the respiratory system and aggravate diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pathologies among the most common in old age, “Breathing cold air at home can irritate the respiratory tract and trigger symptoms such as coughing and mucus production.Some evidence suggests that low temperatures in the home can be the ideal microclimate for the spread of rhinoviruses and influenza viruses, which remain viable for longer”, explains Landi.


The effects of the cold at home can also weigh on the mobility of the elderly with a subtle impact on falls. increase chronic pain, especially that related to diseases typical of old age such as arthritis or osteoarthritis. This could increase the risk of suffering a fall or some other injury at home”.

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Humidity and mold

In addition to the direct effects of cold temperatures, a cold home can trigger another set of environmental factors that can have harmful health consequences for older adults, such as damp and mould, which are more common in poorly heated homes. “The spores released by mold fungi irritate the lungs – warns Landi – and can exacerbate conditions such as asthma. Scientific studies show that living in damp environments and with mold for long periods increases the risk of a decline in lung function”.

The elderly therefore need to live in an adequately heated house with a sufficiently high temperature. But if in the past heating an apartment was a sustainable expense, today it is no longer possible for the elderly with low incomes due to high bills. It is estimated that in Italy there are 3 million elderly people who are unable to adequately heat their homes and that in Europe there are 36 million over 65s who suffer from “energy poverty”.

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To allow the elderly to survive the rise in energy costs, avoiding serious consequences for health, it would be desirable for the Government to take charge of this situation which risks becoming a real public health emergency, with direct aid exclusively to people of older age, with low income and in critical health conditions. A pilot project – concludes Landi – is already being tested in England and plans to secure funding from the Government Fund to support families, to extend it to elderly people over 60 suffering from chronic lung diseases such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis and in difficulty paying heating bills. Preventive action of this type also in Italy would prevent the elderly from getting sicker and sicker, reducing hospitalizations with greater savings for the NHS”.


1) Avoid heat dispersion by closing the doors of some rooms and the cracks in the fixtures through which drafts could pass;

2) Wear layered clothing and also woolen underwear;

3) Prefer the consumption of soups and velvety, cooked fruit and vegetables in season, but also herbal teas, teas and infusions;

4) Ventilate the rooms avoiding keeping the windows open for too long, for the necessary change of air, and never in the evening when the outside temperature tends to drop further;

5) During the day, especially if it’s sunny, keep the shutters up and let the light and heat enter the house. At sunset, turn everything down to keep the warmth accumulated during the day.


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