Escape from fossil companies, the 10 most requested green professions

Escape from fossil companies, the 10 most requested green professions


The job market is increasingly green. Executives, white-collar workers and blue-collar workers around the world are migrating from the fossil fuel sector to energy-related jobsrenewable energy. In thefinal year i green job or jobs green” have come to graze only in Italy 3.1 million unitsa progressively estimated figure growing in the near future: just over two years ago Symbola, Unioncamere And Confcooperative they estimated a need to +2.2/2.4 million additional green jobs by 2025while today Confindustria, Federmanager And 4.Managers they claim that between 2023 and 2026both businesses and the public administration will need to about 4 million of workers with high and medium profile green skills.

From the thirteenth edition of the report Green Italy 2022drawn up by the Symbola foundation with Unioncamere, it also emerges that thegreen employment is most prevalent al Northwest (32.9%), followed by North East (23.9%), the South (22.2%) and the center (21%). In particular, leads the ranking the Lombardy with 367 thousand new green job contracts and Sicily closes it.

Fromon the other hand, however, globally – according to a study cited by New York Times – oil and gas companies have fired about 160,000 workers in 2020, have kept budgets tight and staffed low over the past couple of years. A sum he brought in 2022 theoil and gas industry to employ about 700,000 fewer workers than six years ago, a drop of more than 20%. Much of this data reversal had to do with the slowdown in the drilling boom elescalation ofautomation of work processes.

The trend

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In short, there is a change of trend. As demonstrated, for example, by the employment rate in thewind power, that is grew by almost 20% from 2016 to 2021, reaching over 113,000 workers. And again, the fact that green jobs are more stable than the others: 24% of the total expected incoming contracts are open-ended, compared to 13% of non-green professions.

However, there are those who read these data as the result of a revolution, for the moment, only partial. There green transition is struggling in the world of work, especially in terms of ad hoc government policies”, he reveals Adalberto Perulliprofessor of labor law in theCa’ Foscar Universityi of Venice. There is a lack of political support, both in the United States and in Europe: all the data we analyze are the result of economic and industrial development which flexes and exploits the dell driverenvironmentalism. In other words, the new green job offer comes from companies and entrepreneurs, who have understood the historical moment and the need to change production philosophy, not thanks to the radical change of course of governments. Therefore, thanks to the dynamism of its economy, the United States has a clear advantage“.


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A growing world, therefore, which however has to deal with the retrieval node: fromThe survey shows that companies find it more difficult to find expert professionals in the green world compared to other professions. A determining factor that also affects the decision-making process of the institutions: according to a survey by the European Investment Bank (EIB)conducted out of more than 12,500 companies and 685 authorities, investments in green technology dellEU are held back by the lack of skilled workers.

More than four fifths of companies and 60% of local authorities interviewed by the EIB stated that one skills shortagein particular in the sectors ofengineering and digitalis preventing the implementation of projects that aim to combat climate change.


A guide to green universities: 224 climate change degrees in 50 cities

by Jaime D’Alessandro

Also in Italy Lalarm was raised months ago byformer Minister for Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolaniwho emphasized how on green jobs we have very serious training problems, 15,000 technicians and 30,000 researchers are missing”.

Already in 2021 the position of our country was in chiaroscuro: the 300,000 Italian companies (21.4% of the total) that have decided to take the path of eco-investments for the sustainable conversion of technologies and products, in 37.9% of cases reported difficulties in finding professional figures with the skills necessary to support them in the path of green economy.

Among jobs with green skills, as emerges from the report, the ten most requested professional figures are: eco-labelled sales manager, repairer of machinery and systems, installer of more efficient electricity grids, environmental IT expert, environmental marketing expert, eco-designer, green bricklayer, expert in energy managementenergy (energy engineer), environmental quality certifier and installer of air conditioning systems with low environmental impact.

“You can get to carry out a green energy job in Italy starting from many different paths, from technical paths to more humanistic ones, from the shortest to the longest and most specialized ones”, he explains Agostino Re Rebaudengopresident Future electricitythe main association of entrepreneurs in the Italian electricity sector which with over 500 companies represents more than 70% of the electricity market.

How, therefore, to reverse this trend and make up for the lack of personnel? Through the training: there are fewer and fewer students enrolling in petroleum engineering courses, preferring study subjects related to the world ofcircular economy and sustainability. “To reverse the trend, you have to get closer school and businessthe world of education plays a fundamental role, directing students towards green jobs”, says Rebaudengo. “On the one hand, it is important that students know what are the professional skills that will be increasingly required by companies in the energy transition, byon the other hand, it is necessary to provide young people with the skills and abilities to be able to choose, on the basis of their personal inclinations, towards which of these professional figures to orient themselves”.

In 2022, the number of new graduates in faculties with outlets in the oil sector (engineer, manager, etc.) has reached about 400 in the United States, with a loss of83% compared to 2017, when there were more than 2,300 graduates.

LUniversity of Calgary Canada elImperial College London have both put i courses in oil and gas engineering Llast year, and from 2006 to 2020, the number of business school graduates pursuing careers in the oil and gas industry decreased by 40%.


A guide to green universities: 224 climate change degrees in 50 cities

by Jaime D’Alessandro

Even in Italy, bro degree courses, doctorates and research scholarships, the universities that put the environment at the center are multiplying by combining different disciplines. The Ministry of the University has counted them, only of courses, beyond 160 scattered throughout the country. Environmental and development economics, Engineering of renewable sources, Urban regeneration, Geological sciences applied to environmental sustainability, Sustainable tourism, just to name a few.

The initiative

In Pavia 230 PhD students in sustainable development and climate change from all over Italy

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Then there are the scholarships for PhDs: in 2022 there were one hundred those dedicated to the digital and environmental transition. At the same time, over 200 students are currently engaged in the first cycles of the doctoral training program in Sustainable Development and Climate Change, launched in 2021 thanks to the co-financing of the Ministry ofUniversity and Research (MUR) and the support of 30 Italian universities (public and private) together with other research institutions.


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