entries on «la Lettura» (already in the App) – Corriere.it

entries on «la Lettura» (already in the App) - Corriere.it



In the new issue, on Saturday 21 January in the App and Sunday 22 on the newsstand, the special dedicated to the Holocaust. Then the interview with Javier Cercas and the new book by Cormac McCarthy

January 27 is Remembrance Day, which commemorates the victims of the Holocaust. On the occasion, the new issue of «la Lettura», #582, previewed on the App on Saturday 21 January (downloadable from the App Store and Google Play) and Sunday 22 on the newsstand, dedicates a large and articulated dossier, an opportunity to reflect on one of the most terrible pages of our past. It starts with a text by Claudio Magris dedicated to the intense film Hometown. The house of memoriesstarring director Roman Polanski and photographer Ryszard Horowitz, both survivors of the Holocaust: they tell the story of the Krakow ghetto where they lived part of their childhood.

«La Lettura» then hosts a speech by life senator Liliana Segre, who recalls the days of imprisonment spent in Ravensbrück. Other testimonies of survivors who were imprisoned in the most important female lager are those collected by the European project «Voci da Ravensbrück», illustrated by Alessia Rastelli. The book also deals with women in the years of the Reich Daughters of the Resistance (Mondadori) by Judy Batalion, which traces the participation of young Jews in the partisan struggle against the Nazis in occupied Poland: writes Antonio Carioti. The special on Memory also gives an account of the exhibition in Rome, curated by Marcello Pezzetti, of which Paolo Conti writes, dedicated to the three camps of Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec. Finally, Stefano Montefiori interviews Régis Jauffret, author of the novel 1889 (Edizioni Clichy), with reference to the year of birth of Adolf Hitler, which lends itself to reasoning on the hypothesis of a different fate of events without the Führer. The Theme of the Day, the App’s digital-only daily extra, on Saturday 21 is the preface by Mario Isnenghi to the volume by Davide Romanin Jacur KZ2(Ronzani) on the theme of the Shoah.

In addition to the daily Tema del Giorno, subscribers to the «la Lettura» App (downloadable from the App Store and Google Play) have access to the archive of all issues since 2011. Subscribing to the App for smartphones and tablets costs 3.99 euros per month or 39.99 per year, with one week free. The subscription can also be subscribed from the desktop starting from this page. For subscribers, the contents are also visible from PCs and Macs starting from their Profile page. Furthermore, a one-year subscription to the App can be given as a gift via the web from here or by purchasing a Gift Card in Librerie.coop.

Among other numerous contents of the issue #582 the interview with Javier Cercas by Paolo Lepri, Stella Maris Of Cormac McCarthy read by Matteo Persivale and a story by Fabio Genoese. And again the new project of Mario Cucinella of a theater hall in the prison of Volterra for the Compagnia della Fortezza, illustrated by Stefano Bucci, with a text by the director Armando Punch, founder of the company and Golden Lion at the Biennale Teatro.

In the end, three conversations. The first between the singer Levante and the writer Alessandra Sarchi (edited by Cecilia Bressanelli); the second between the writer Ilaria Tuti and Donatella Diamanti, screenwriter of the TV series based on the novel by Tuti Flowers above hell (Longanesi) curated by Annachiara Sacchi; the third, on theater in schools (curated by Ida Bozzi) with the artistic director Claudio Longhi, the principal Domenico Squillace and the writer-teachers Marco Balzano and Gaja Cenciarelli.

January 20, 2023 (change January 20, 2023 | 20:22)


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