Energy: producing and consuming it with style for a Planet that does not go out of fashion

Energy: producing and consuming it with style for a Planet that does not go out of fashion


First of all let’s see where we are, we family, we condominium, we block, we office. What have we devised to reduce consumption and our impact on the environment? today the economic and energy crisis, which has worsened in recent months due to the well-known geopolitical situation, requires us to make a radical change in the way we consume, produce and distribute energy.

Production must be oriented towards the so-called transition, opting for renewable sources, photovoltaics in primis. Distribution must adopt efficiency criteria, choosing the most suitable solution on a case-by-case basis (one might say: house by house), commensurate with the type of user. All this, once again, to optimize the thicknesses and reduce the environmental impact.

After the “producer” and the “distributor” (often and willingly a single subject) there is a third equally important figure: the consumer, that is us. We have deliberately returned to the starting point, given that only with the synergy between consumers and producers can costs be lowered, energy independence aimed and the “Carbon Footprint” reduced. In a nutshell, choosing the right energy for us.

Energy and synergy. Energy and encounter between those who “work” it and those who use it. Thus the circle closes. It closes with E.ON, one of the main European energy operators. In Italy, in line with the Group’s strategic positioning, E.ON focuses on proposing competitive energy products and services for a smarter and more efficient use of resources and to put every person in the real conditions of contributing to the “green” turnaround for the protection of the environment.

We can all contribute to reducing our footprint, our environmental impact. How? First of all by verifying how much CO2 we release into the atmosphere every year. It can be done with the Green Test that we find on the E.ON website. It only takes two minutes to discover that even if you live in a 50m2 apartment, without overdoing it with appliances (limiting yourself to the fridge, washing machine, PC, TV and dishwasher), in 365 days we release a ton of CO into the air2; 1,000 kg of carbon dioxide. A tree, in a year, absorbs 10 kg of CO2; it follows that to mitigate the “fumes” of the above apartment we will have to recruit one hundred.

To change things, it is necessary to get busy individually and at the same time combine efforts to create a “green community”. There Green Community of E.ON is the largest in Italy and aims to involve employees, partners, customers and consumers in a path of positive change with the shared contribution of individuals at the centre. E.ON invites everyone to join; the first step to “enter” is the above Green Test. After awareness comes action: reviewing one’s habits and implementing simple measures to save and “enhance” energy.

Thus “energy communities” can be born, ie entire inhabited centers independent of the national energy supply because they are capable of producing it themselves through renewable sources or by exploiting the accumulation of excess energy. These communities, in many countries, are already rapidly expanding.

Then there are the E.ON projects dedicated to environmental “education”: “We hate waste”, in collaboration with schools (so far involved 25,000 students and over 300 institutes), Energy4Blue to give a concrete response to the emergency of the seas, Woods E.ON to promote tree planting in Italy.

Change perspective; change lifestyle and consumption. To walk the catwalk? No, to walk today – and tomorrow – on our beloved Planet.


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