Endpapers, or an antidote to the mummified world of literature

Endpapers, or an antidote to the mummified world of literature


A magazine that looks like a map, but in the end it’s also a big basket containing the passion for reading organized according to different codes and criteria: from mere literary advice, to the relationships between catalogs up to interviews with the great publisher

The idea is: an antidote. That is, something more and, at the same time, something less than a solution. After all, the problems are many, intricate and dated, but in the meantime we need to celebrate this trill, this sign of life which is, without a doubt, an opportunity, a response with ambitions of transformation and duration. Risguardi is a magazine, a “we are here”, a “here we are”, a tool in the etymological sense of the word, that is, a great desire to build a system of relationshipsa truly great work (yes) that connects different not always communicating shores of the so-called book supply chain, and which hoists the banner of a fundamental word: catalogue.

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